Monday, October 18, 2010

Wall Paper-Poster

Wouldn't this image be exceptional in your family room, coffee room, bedroom or dining room? Here's information about these very, very powerful women:

Below you will learn about The 3 AfRAkan Priestesses who brought great wealth of knowledge and vision to humanity. Right above, we see a semblance of the appreciation that AfRAkans have gotten over the years for their tremendous initiation of constructive knowledge to humanity. Isn't this the dichotomy of human progression?  

AfRAkan Astronomer priestesses were the creators of Higher MA'AThematics

Astronomer Priestesses by Edward W. Robinson, Jr., J. D.

World-renown historians of Egypt's early history trace the background of the three astronomer-priestesses who gave to the world higher mathematics. English historian, Gerald Massey Ancient Egypt, The Light of the World tells us that they were of a long line of distinguished African women who would lead the travel of civilization from its southern origins until it arrived in the north in a land now known as Egypt. This upper Nile was where the goddess Ater-Tshema-T is credited with having created calculus over 4700 years ago.
G. Michanowsky tells us that about 4000 B. C. there was a giant supernova in the southern constellation Vela. This and other celestial phenomena inspired these southeastern African people to move to a part of Africa which afforded an unobstructed view of the heavens they found in the barren ground of what-is-now Egypt. They constructed telescopes and observatories to record precise movements of heavenly bodies.

The First Slave on your wall
How about having the BRTHR whose MTHR was raped by alexander the greek, and he ended being tortured and ridiculed as a slave right there in KMT before they came down south to implement the barbarous acts?

Get these wall papers or posters now. What dimensions do you need? Give us your measurements, and we will make one to your specifications. Also, tell us your color back ground preferences, and do not forget to specify the location to position the poster because we will provide the appropriate Dohgon Meditation Numbers to go along with the image so that people visiting will automatically perform the meditation without even realizing what they are doing. See the generic Numbers posted already. There may be more or less Numbers, depending on the location.

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