Saturday, October 16, 2010


Choose any of the styles as the front or back, and we will have it done for you. The AfRAkan Snake DANKHce is a Powerful HEALING DANKHce. You can practice the moves at home or at work. You can even practice with your spouse, children as young as 2 years old and friends. We have The AfRAkan Snake DANKHce DVD that's available with your DNI Test. Please scroll down to read more about this extraordinary test. Its purpose is to discover the communications ERROR CATASTROPHES that are now happening at your DNA level and are causing you the discomforts.

A T-Shirt is a shirt to relax into your true self. Most people are comfortable wearing T-Shirts, which means they are expressing relaxation and freedom. Also, people wear T-Shirts with special messages. These messages can be associated with group ideologies, or just messages of individual liking. What if you were wearing a T-Shirt that displayed the DNA Symbol with Special Numbers inscribed in those DNA Strands, wouldn't this present you as a person of immense INTELLIGENCE, who knows more about his/her DNA than most others?

Now you get the point. Contact The Dohgon Professor MOmOh, the inventor of the only test in the world that will reveal the Communication Numbers within your DNA Codons. The Codons are the proteins that determine the following:

-Magnetic Qualities- these are the qualities for attraction and repulsion. So when you tell someone you love them, it's your 2 DNA Codons-Uracil and Cytosine-  that allow you to make that statement.  Similarly, when you repel or reject someone, it's the same 2 Codons that make that choice. Therefore, are you making the right choices? If you are breaking relationships that never get broken, these Codons are not working right, so are tying yourself in a loop. Get checked!

-Electrical Qualities- these are the qualities that determine your Action Potential by giving you the MOTIVATION to get up and go. Are these qualities working effectively for you? The 2 Codons responsible for Action Potential or the charging and discharging of your actions are Thymine and Cytosine. Thymine does the charging and Cytosine does the discharging. Learn more.

-Timing Qualities- these are the qualities that synchronize your every performance. Are these qualities working effectively? Are you missing your walking steps? Are you full of procrastination? Are you lethargic? The 2 Codons responsible your Timing Synchronicity are Thymine and Uracil. Again, learn more.

0. Now Professor MOmOh will ANKHser the following questions for you:
1. How can I discover my special Numbers?
2. What must I do to attain the right types of Communications with them?
3. Once I master this system, will the incessant pain problem be resolved?
4. Will my distraught condition heal?
5. Could these Numbers explain why I feel insecure and helpless?
6. Could they also explain why I feel alone and lonely even when I am in company?
7. Are there people like me feeling the same conditions?

You can bet The Professor will bring your MIND to rest on these questions with his powerful DNI Tests. So, COME GET YOUR SPECIAL T-SHIRT and begin to HEAL. As you HEAL, you'll begin to help others discover their own pains by referring them to The Professor.

Now take a look at our sample T-Shirts. You may choose your own styles and colors. Just make the contact, and it will be done.



Let's go to the Mall takes on a different meaning for me
vibrant!. I don't know anyone who wouldn't want one.
Although your number is different.. others' number will animate, truly extraordinary!

Queen Frankie Felice

Professor Momoh said...

Queen, I truly appreciate your comment. Please share this Dohgon Mall with friends.